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Yes you can! We have a parcel collection facility based in North Lakes Qld 4509.
NO! We offer free countrywide delivery on everything sold online unless stated otherwise.
Yes you can! We offer multiple ordering options. It’s what’s easy for you!
General turnaorund times are diaplayd under the Description tab of each product. The general rule of thumb is 4-6 business days after approval and or cleared funds.
Once your order has been approved it cannot be changed. If you wish to cancel your order you should contact us immediately on 0422 515 919 or (07) 3419 8639. Cancellation fee/s may apply.
We can yes within 24 hrs after the order is placed. any changes outside of the 24 hrs mark may be charged a $25.00 administration fee.
We are working on developing a status or job progress bar within your account. At the moment, we email production updates updating you on the order progress and current status.
Simply log into your account page on the top of the website.
Basic information can be updated via your Account page.
Your satisfaction is our priority! In the event that you are dissatisfied, we’ll reprint or replace your product for you. See our refund policy for a bit more information in regards to re-prints and refunds.
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